
The "potato braised chicken" prepared dish is about to be listed, and then explore the new path of Guangdong black "agricultural potato worker dish"

"Rice-rice-potato" is a high-efficiency grain production model created by Guangdong and Black cooperation, so that a paddy field can grow two rice and one potato, and is now undergoing agricultural and industrial leapfrogging.


Southern Finance All Media reporter Ding Li intern Fu Yangqing Wang Xushuang reported from Guangzhou

In Huizhou, chickens from Guangdong province and potatoes from Heilongjiang province may explore a new fusion of "farm potato working dishes" - the "potato braised chicken" quick dish developed by Huizhou Shunxing Food Co., Ltd. is scheduled to be launched in late April or early May. In terms of potato suppliers, Shunxing said it will choose "rice potato" from Heilongjiang and Zhanjiang.

"Rice rice potato" is a rotating planting model created by Guangdong and Black cooperation, so that a paddy field can grow two kinds of rice and one kind of potato. At present, the model shows a large-scale effect, and the planting area exceeds 10,000 mu. From April to September every year, it is the growing season of 100,000 mu of potatoes in Heilongjiang. After the harvest in September, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province immediately took over the "baton" and began to sow until the harvest in March. Such two places of rotation, the agricultural leisure is used rationally.

With the advent of prefabricated vegetable tuyere, Guangdong and black agricultural cooperation will also continue the industrial chain. Tang Zhanyao, general manager of Shunxing, said that "rice rice potato" has high protein content and cost-effective, which is suitable for the research and development of prepared vegetables. For the company, which is expanding the C-end market, the addition of potatoes will provide it with more diversified forms and diversified flavor products, so as to meet more consumers.

"We will fully cooperate with the good 'rice rice potato' into the South China market, potatoes will be the company's second quarter of this year as the main raw material of the core fast food, the future will also speed up the research and development of potato prepared food products, the 'rice rice potato' to the market, help 'rice rice potato' products into best-selling prepared food products." Tang Zhanyao believes that the current deep processing of potato prefabricated vegetable products also needs to receive the appropriate vegetable manufacturers for primary processing.

In fact, this is not the first exploration of "rice rice potato" and Guangdong prepared dishes. Earlier, "rice rice potato" has been eyeing the new "net red" fish in the Spring Festival this year. Li Yawen, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Wangkui County, Heilongjiang Province, and the person in charge of the Guangdong Black Cooperation "North Potato South seed" project, hopes to join hands with Guangdong Nian fish enterprises to jointly develop and launch a series of premade dish products such as "Nian fish potato", "pine nut perch potato powder" and "sea bass potato", and push it to the table of consumers at home and abroad.

A few days ago, under the Southern finance matchmaking bridge, Heilongjiang, Beijing, Guangdong three "cloud connection", Li Yawen and a number of prefabricated vegetable enterprises to explore the research and development, production, supply, marketing methods of coarse grain "into the group" prefabricated vegetables. "In Western prepared dishes, potatoes can be made into French fries, potato cubes, etc.," said Chen Jianhua, founder and chairman of Huahua Food, a Beijing-based food company. "The current sour and sweet Western-style fried foods are also popular among young people, and there is a lot of market space."

In the past year, the flower food industry has developed and launched 80 Western prepared dishes. "The combination of western food and 'rice, rice and potatoes' is more practical and easier to land." Chen Jianhua hopes to further do product research and development and sales next, and really introduce "rice and rice potato" into prepared dishes, transform them into products that consumers like, and push them to the national market.

At present, around the "rice rice potato" agricultural and industrial leapfrog, western fried products, rice rice potato + white banana sea bass, rice rice potato + poultry and other diverse ideas have been shipped out, diversified potato food will be born in the future for some time, the value chain of Guangdong and black cooperation will be upgraded again.

(Writing by Ding Li Editing by Yu Shuqin)